More Than Just a Sign in the Yard…

  • Customized marketing for your property and competitive pricing for current market conditions will get your property sold in the shortest time possible.


Listed on

  • Your property will be listed on the largest and most reliable MLS in Houston:
  • Complete with
    • Stunning Professional Quality Photos
    • Maps
    • Property Information Documents
    • Centralized Showing Service
  • This will be the hub of our online marketing efforts.


Professional Quality Photos

  • Photos are taken with a Canon DSLR wide angle lens and highlight the property’s best features.



Massive Exposure

  • In addition to I will put your property in front of buyers, wherever they are online

Traditional Marketing

  • We’ll create premium property flyers for open houses, broker tours, and more.
  • Door Knocking
  • Open Houses – loaded with signs, social media marketing, and broker connections.


Facebook and Social Media

  • Your property will be featured on my personal Facebook page Andy Nelson REALTOR, as well as, many other local sale groups.
  • Social Media will be updated with price changes, open house events, and any other pertinent information.
  • From my website, your property can be shared to just about any social media platform the user chooses.


Professional Comparative Market Analysis


  • Andy Nelson will compile a reliable list of data for your property and price it correctly for the fastest sale.
  • This will serve as a thorough guide to what has sold, will sell, and is currently on the market in your surrounding area.


Let’s Get Started Today!

Call or Text:  832-712-3086 DIRECT